
the making of a spec casing

1, make a mould to form the leather. What you see here are just the male parts. Later you would see the female moulds.

2, Cut a piece of leather, make sure it is bigger than the mold. It is better to have it slightly bigger and trim the extra away afterward rather than too small. Wet it, and lay it over the male mould.

3, Put the Female mould over and press it. Leave it over night and get it dried up.

4, Next morning, the leather would be formed into the shape you want.

5, Of course, the quality of the "product" always depends on the quality of the mould.

6, Apply glue on both sides, the inner side of the formed leather, and the lining leather.

7, split it using pen knife and rulers. Make sure the cut is straight. Make a marking before cutting may help.

8, the stitching steps are skipped... and we go straight to finishing...

9, Apply a coat of edge kote, leave it dry, and sand it carefully with medium grade sand paper.

10, Apply the second coat.

11, Apply wax over the edge kote.

12, Touch up... finish up...


here is the making of a thin leather wallet
(tips for beginners: before getting familiar with thick and medium thickness leather. try not to touch thin leather. it is very difficult to handle with minimum hand stitching experience.)

1. Always start with a proper draft and plan to make sure everything in place. Cut leather pieces according to the draft, remember to give stitching allowance.

2. Cut the lining fabric pieces as well with the same draft. They are normally smaller than the leather pieces.

3. Apply leather glue to laminate lining with the leather. At the same time, make marking for folding or cutting for the upcoming steps.

4. Put it flat and weight it, then wait... ...

5. Dry and ready, check if there are any places need to be skived, and do it. This is a Tough work...

6. Mark the back with silver pen if there is any matching need to be done. Here are the marking for folding later.

7. Fold and hammer it...

8. Put them into place and chack again. if they are alright, stitch the lining.

9. Run the artline to make all the pockets neat.

10. This is important, looking at the logo is like looking at you, must put it nicely.

11. The inner part is done!

12. Fold the extra inner part to prepare for stitching, and complete the inner compartment.

13. Stitch the edge of the divider. It is thin and soft leather, while stitching, not to pull to much to avoid wavy...

14. Leave the extra length in the middle to allow ease of folding.

15. The inner stitch didn't do too well. The thread could be seen now, cos it is too thick. I should use thin thread.

16. Punch the hold on the outer layer to prepare for the stitching. This marks can be seen easily, punch carefully.

17. After stitched, fold closely to where the stitching is, and firm it with hammering.

18. This is how it looks before the last stitching. Extra length is again, needed for the middle.

19. Almost done...

20. Done!

21. Done!

22. How the outside looks.

23. How the inside looks.

24. Apply edge kode to the middle divider.

25. The compartments for notes.

26. The other compartments for notes.

27. The details for where the wallet is folded. Most wallet sold outside normally have no stitching in this portion. They looks nicer, but would be as durable as this one.

28. The joint at the corners.

29. Wow...

30. Wow Wow...

31. Wow Wow Wow...